Naini Tal, also known as Naini Lake, is a natural freshwater body, situated amidst the town of Nainital in Kumaon, Uttarakhand, India. It is tectonic in origin and was almost circular,until frequent landslides made it crescent shaped and has an outfall at the southeastern end. Nainital, along with other lakes of Kumaon, is integral to tourism and recreation in Kumao…
Naini Tal, also known as Naini Lake, is a natural freshwater body, situated amidst the town of Nainital in Kumaon, Uttarakhand, India. It is tectonic in origin and was almost circular,until frequent landslides made it crescent shaped and has an outfall at the southeastern end. Nainital, along with other lakes of Kumaon, is integral to tourism and recreation in Kumaon. The lake is also an integral part of Kumaoni folklore.
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