The brother of a man whose wife and two young daughters died in an Oshawa, Ont., house fire says the family is devastated by ...
Oshawa father, 56, daughter 12, ‘overwhelmed, both emotionally and financially,’ by loss of family, home, in Wednesday’s blaze, says GoFundMe campaign organizer.
A 12-year-old girl has died from injuries after a house fire in Oshawa killed her mother and 9-year-old sister. The father is expected to survive.
A second child has died following a fatal Oshawa house fire that claimed the lives of a mother and daughter last week, police ...
A second girl has died as a result of last week’s Oshawa house that claimed the lives of her 46-year-old mother and nine-year-old sister. Emergency crews were called to the scene on McGrigor St. Just ...
A woman, a man, and two children have been taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries following a house fire in ...
A 12-year-old girl has died of her injuries following a house fire in Oshawa that also claimed the life of her mother and sister.
A mother and one of her daughters have died after a house fire in Oshawa, emergency officials say, while two other family ...
An Oshawa youth out on three release orders was arrested and a 21-year-old Toronto man is wanted for a kidnapping in Liberty ...
The brother of a man whose wife and two young daughters died in an Oshawa, Ont., house fire says the family is devastated by ...
Police say a 12-year-old girl has died after a house fire in Oshawa, Ont., last week that also left her mother and ...
The 56-year-old father of the children, who was found outside the burning home when crews arrived, is expected to survive ...