10. “Comrade Rabinowitz ... Listen to Viv Groskop present It’s Just a Joke, Comrade: 100 Years of Russian Satire online now.
Once we see Farquaad’s diminutive height, it seems like that was the point of Shrek’s joke, but adults would have recognized a double-meaning here. The castle is decidedly phallic in shape ...
The new Netflix comedy special Matt Rife: Lucid - A Crowd Work Special is the first of its kind. As Netflix's first-ever crowd work special, comedian Matt Rife, who gained a massive social media ...
These 10 jokes have been voted the best of the Edinburgh Fringe, but only one female comedian made the list, of course… The joke came courtesy of Swedish comedian Olaf Falafel, who has come very ...
The Silver Shroud is a comic book hero from Fallout 4’s universe. In one of the game’s side missions, the player can actually don the outfit of this fictional vigilante in order to help a ...
Kenyans have taken their crazy a notch higher with the latest wave of knock knock jokes. While knock knock jokes have been around for the longest time, Kenyans took them and put their own flavour ...