Gow went on to describe how vital Newey was to the setup under Christian Horner, and that trying to replace the 66-year-old ...
Eddie Jordan may have sold Formula 1's Silverstone-based team back in 2005 but he played a huge role as Aston Martin last ...
Adrian Newey has been a key part of 14 drivers' championships and 12 constructors' titles across three different teams - Williams, McLaren and Red Bull Adrian Newey says he's "not making any ...
Can Red Bull still soar without Adrian Newey? This question is akin to inquiring whether the Chicago Bulls could dominate the NBA without Michael Jordan. At first glance, the answer seems obvious.
Christian Horner says Adrian Newey departure not reason behind Red ... Newey has proven that much over a career which has brought 14 drivers’ titles and 12 constructors’ championships ...
Christian Horner has shared a memory from when he first met Eddie Jordan, when he was an aspiring F1 driver. Before becoming ...
It seems that Adrian Newey’s wife has accepted that her husband ... During his time there, he helped oversee seven drivers’ title wins, with four for Sebastian Vettel and three to Max Verstappen.
Red Bull have announced a key hire on the eve of the F1 2025 season as the team plan for life after Adrian Newey after his Aston Martin move.
Newey's designs have secured 12 Constructors' Championships and 223 Grand Prix victories. With a $38.15 million annual salary, he becomes the highest-paid non-driver in Formula 1 history.
Aston Martin are confident Adrian Newey can have an immediate impact on ... Red Bull have won six teams' titles and eight drivers' championships - all achieved in cars designed by Newey.
SILVERSTONE, England, Feb 23 (Reuters) - Artificial intelligence is no substitute for the mind of Adrian Newey and Aston Martin ... the data logger that is the driver," he added.
Max Verstappen has been handed a date for when he could potentially leave Red Bull and join Mercedes, by rival Formula 1 boss ...