Dr. I. B. Pole Evans, the energetic Director of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, who is editing “The Flowering Plants of South Africa,” is to be congratulated on this new venture to bring ...
The largest and most striking tree in the Flower Dome, the African Baobab (Adansonia digitata), also known as the Upside Down Tree, is one of nature's most useful trees. Its fruits and seeds are ...
Fruit. Although kiwi vines generally need a colder winter than Southern California’s in order to flower and fruit, the Fuzzy ...
The study is the culmination of multiple surveys carried out across southern Africa since 2005. While using radio carbon dating to investigate the age and structure of trees in Zimbabwe, Namibia, ...
Louisiana has several flowering trees that are common, and they'll soon be in-bloom this spring. Here's when and where you ...
However, as is the case with virtually all self-fertile fruit trees and vines ... hybrid plants, African blue basil is sterile, which helps to explain its extravagant flowering; when a plant ...