When General Anastasio Somoza Sr. seized power in 1936 and launched his dynasty, Nicaragua was a typical down-at-the-peels banana republic. Though he dealt ruthlessly with critics, sometimes ...
Boss Anastasio Somoza smelled trouble, and his Guardia National found more scents of it almost every day. At the home of an ex-hardware merchant named Luis H. Scott, enough dynamite was found to ...
Forty years ago, seemingly out of nowhere, a series of popular eruptions shook the entrenched regime of Anastasio Somoza, who fell from power on 19 July, 1979. Today, one of the revolutionary ...
Bands tooted the national anthem and the drums beat out a salute as President Victor Roman y Reyes and his boss and nephew, General Anastasio Somoza, drove down from their hilltop palaces in ...
Nicaragua’s Dictator-President Anastasio (“Tacho”) Somoza dined with his family at Montelimar, his big Pacific Coast finca (plantation). Said Son Tachito (“little Tacho”), captain in the ...