The ozone layer above Antarctica is thinning at an alarming rate, posing threat to the wildlife breeding below in the ice.
On this week's episode: is our universe inside a black hole, Antarctic explorers, tracking teenaged turtles, and ...
The bountiful creatures sequester carbon and are a vital food source for marine predators, but their future is uncertain ...
Rising temperatures in Antarctica have seen two species of plants grow quicker, in a ten year period, because of climate change, according to an article published in Current Biology under the ...
But even as these melting glaciers worry the scientific world, the presence in Antarctica of plants proving resistant to extreme conditions has also sparked hope for a warming planet. Chile is one of ...
Polar regions also tend to be very dry, with annual precipitation below 250mm. So, in fact, they’re cold deserts! So, with these harsh conditions how do plants survive? In the Arctic only about ...