His body currently lies on display in an open tomb in Assisi, Italy, where the teen is dressed in his favorite outfit of blue jeans and black Nike sneakers. If he's canonized, Acutis will become ...
Der Teenager Carlo Acutis (1991–2006), der am 27. April in Rom von Papst Franziskus als erster „Millennial“ heiliggesprochen ...
In World War II, when the Nazis begin to round up Jews in Italy, Bishop Nicolini of Assisi tabs a Franciscan friar to organize an underground to hide and help Jews to escape to freedom.
the speaker in MacCaig’s poem describes a visit to the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Italy. The Basilica is an important Christian landmark built in honour of St Francis of Assisi.
„Die Welt“ bietet Ihnen News, Hintergründe und Bilder zu dem italienischen Heiligen und Ordensgründer Franz von Assisi. Als Sohn wohlhabender Eltern genoss der um das Jahr 1181 im Stadtstaat ...