One excellent source of collagen is beef. Similarly, bone broth (often made from beef) is another collagen-rich food. Bone ...
Various studies have linked benefits to the consumption of red wine. However, one in particular has shed light on the possible benefits of red wine on cellular health, suggesting t ...
A red wine flush Some people get red, flushed skin when drinking alcohol, and the flushing is accompanied by a headache.This headache is caused by a lagging metabolic step as the body breaks down ...
Sulfites, biogenic amines and tannin have been popular scapegoats for headaches caused by red wine. However, this study found that there are many other phenolic compounds in grapes’ skin and ...
But there are many other phenolic compounds in grapes’ skin and seeds besides tannin that make it into red wines from the winemaking process, and are not present in white, so any of them could be a ...