On Wilbourne Farm in Virginia, a carbon-removal experiment is underway to reveal whether different ways of removing carbon can be even more effective in combination ...
Improve your soil by making biochar in the ground. DIY biochar enhances nutrient availability and also enables soil to retain nutrients longer. Last year, I committed one of the great sins of ...
Heat that biomass up without fully consuming it and it turns to nearly pure carbon known as biochar, which farmers soak in ...
To move the technology forward, scientists at Stanford are trying to come up with more accurate measurements, for how much ...
Farmers scorch weeds, husks and other biomass to create biochar, then tuck it into the soil to boost crop yields and lock that carbon out of the atmosphere.
A plan to set up a plant to produce biochar – a form of charcoal – from green waste has been recommended for approval.
Minneapolis this spring will begin construction on a city-owned biochar facility — a furnace that turns wood scraps into a ...
These in-situ vermicomposts are beautifully clean, self-contained systems that need little or no maintenance and provide ...
Then the farmer makes several more passes spreading other material in different combinations: bone-white limestone dust, rich black biochar and chicken litter compost that reeks of ammonia.
The biochar will be created from imported green waste, wood, and compost oversize materials. A planning statement from Tony Higgins at EnviroConsult, which is working alongside the council on the ...