Rare birds such as the Hen Harrier, Canvasback and Osprey have been spotted across Essex since the start of 2025.
It does not breed in the UK, but is a winter visitor. Rooks' bare, greyish-white faces, thinner beaks and peaked heads make it easier to tell them from crows and other black birds. Rooks are very ...
The woodpigeon is mostly grey with a white patch on its neck. You're most likely to spot this bird on the ground underneath bird feeders, picking up dropped seeds! A large black and white bird.
An unusually long-tailed black-and-white corvid with a black bill ... Flight: relatively slow, with steady, rowing wingbeats, but the birds are easily able to quickly change direction in flight.
The most widespread, numerous, and geographically variable chickadee, this bird brightens winter days ... Length 5.3". Black cap; white cheek; black bib; gray upperparts; greater coverts ...