Summer is not far off, with plenty of warm weather ahead. Plan now so you know what flowers to grow, ones you can cut and ...
Salvia nemorosa, available from Nature Hills, for example, is a hardy perennial that produces electric-blue flower spikes that typically last from June right up until October. In one London garden ...
Salvia is in the mint family. There are different species of salvia from annual to perennial and native to non-native.
Two perennial cut flowers are Blue salvia, Salvia farinacea, and Gerbera daisy, Gerbera jamesonii, which produce flowers continually if they receive adequate water. If you’re growing either of ...
Take, for example, Salvia x guaranitica "Black and Blue," anise-scented sage ... sound like a feast for both the eyes and nose? This perennial can grow 2 to 5 feet tall and wide, and the flowers ...