Bonobo apes are very similar to the more widely recognized chimpanzees—a smaller species ... All you need to do is watch this video of a baby Bonobo finding her best angles and smiling for ...
Chimps and bonobos are humans' closest relatives, having diverged from us between 5 and 7 million years ago. They still share around 98.7% of our DNA and offer us fascinating insights into what we ...
“Bonobos and chimpanzees both live in very complex social structures with very rich social interactions that they have to navigate on a daily basis,” says team member Zanna Clay, also at Durham ...
Though very close in genetic relationship and virtually next-door neighbors, chimpanzees and a less-well-known species called bonobos in Zaire are socially poles apart. Only identified as a ...
De Waal again: “The chimpanzee resolves sexual issues ... one was a bush baby, and three were monkeys. Bonobos preying on other primates: “This is a regular part of the bonobo diet,” Hohmann ...
We don't just have sex to reproduce—new research suggests that using sex to manage social tension could be a trait that existed in the common ancestor of humans and apes six million years ago.
Though very close in genetic relationship and virtually next-door neighbors, chimpanzees and a less-well-known species called bonobos in Zaire are socially poles apart. Only identified as a ...
Humans share this behavioural strategy with our closest living ape relatives – bonobos and chimpanzees. Now researchers, led by Durham University, UK, have undertaken what is thought to be one ...