While meeting with a group of conspirators planning the murder of Caesar, Brutus tells the group that, while they are killing him, they should do it respectfully. The murder should be more of a ...
Cassius:I have heard where many of the best respect in Rome, except immortal Caesar, speaking of Brutus and groaning underneath this age's yoke, have wished that noble Brutus had his eyes.
Led by Cassius, a group of conspirators convince Brutus, Caesar's best friend to join their alliance by planting forged letters of complaint from commoners stating their concerns over Caesar's ...
CYRIL NRI:"Good Brutus, be prepared to hear ... CYRIL NRI:Cassius has shared the dream of the republic with Caesar and has witnessed him running ahead of the pack and taking power for himself.
Cassius confronts Brutus about his friend’s uncharacteristic coldness. When Cassius is reassured on this count he reveals his own fear of Caesar’s growing power, probes Brutus’s feelings on ...