We have 20 questions to test your knowledge in a special Christmas Eve edition of our weekly pub quiz. Take a couple of minutes away from the last minute madness and take on our festive challenge.
so with that in mind we have come up with our own Christmas Music Quiz, with 20 questions to p[rove if you're top of the pops or heading for the chop from your record label. READ MORE: Music bar ...
and what better way to recap the events of the past 12 months than with some festive trivia? With 30 quickfire questions and 10 tricky anagrams, you can test your general knowledge of Christmas ...
Click here to go to the Christmas quiz questions. Q7: In Scrooged, when Francis (played by Bill Murray) is shown a Christmas from his childhood, he witnesses his father giving him a gift.
may we introduce you to 110 of the easiest general knowledge quiz questions and answers? Quizzes are elite party game for any dinner party, cosy night in, hen weekends or for when you're just really ...
During Christmastime in some European areas like Austria and Bavaria, you’ll probably see a lot of Krampus — horns, hairy hide and all.
20-question quiz that you may have some considerable trouble with! All questions relate to Christmas in the world of Doctor Who but which part of the mega quiz will have you saying ‘Easy!’ ...
have a go at our quiz to see how much you know about the most wonderful time of the year. We have put together 15 questions on everything from iconic festive films and songs to Christmas ...