Lettuce, brassicas, and many other cold weather crops are thirsty plants that need regular watering to grow well. But if you want to cut down on water waste and make your garden easier to maintain ...
Plants survive cold by adjusting at cellular level. Scientists discovered that the PORCUPINE protein helps plants adapt to ...
Discover how to ensure your pansies thrive amid cold weather. Tips on care and companions for a resilient garden!
Most landscape plants react well – or at least survive – in our usual year-to-year early-spring weather. Problems crop up ...
While it can be difficult to predict plant health and the relative size of insect populations for the coming season, understanding how plants and insects respond to cold weather and snow can ...
This goes to show that varieties of the same species of plant can differ in their response to cold weather ... My point is that the varying names for plants do not guarantee success.
Farmers in Larnaca and Famagusta are struggling to protect their crops from the frost of the past few days, watering them overnight, in a last-ditch effort to save potatoes, vegetables ...
It added that the water development department had managed to supply farmers with additional water to protect their crops. As the cold spell is expected to continue for a few more days ...