The Big Brother 25 showmance between Cory Wurtenberger and America Lopez takes center stage in a new interview from Sharon Tharp. She sat down for a chat with the BB25 cast members and discussed ...
Big Brother 25 featured a notable showmance between America Lopez and Cory Wurtenbeger. America was a 27-year-old medical receptionist from Brooklyn, New York, and Cory was a college student from ...
Sonja Flemming/CBS Warning: This post contains spoilers from the season 25 premiere of Big Brother on CBS. The unexpected has arrived in the Big Brother 25 season premiere. Wednesday night’s ...
A new season of The Amazing Race features 14 Big Brother alums. Here's a look at the rumored TAR 38 cast of BB alums and ...
Big Brother' Season 25 Houseguest Luke Valentine Removed from ... 9 while in conversation with fellow contestants Jared Fields, Cory Wurtenberger and Hisam Goueli. In the aftermath of his ...