Despite record levels of student loan forgiveness, student debt totals are higher today than when President Biden took office ...
The cost of insuring South Africa's debt against default rose to its highest since early August on Monday, after U.S.
It's worth noting that while many Americans would have to save for years to afford a payment of $106,000, that amount would ...
The Fed’s key rate has a bearing on the sustainability of public borrowing, which is heading to striking levels.
Despite President Joe Biden’s unprecedented rate of student loan forgiveness, the country’s outstanding debt still grew while ...
Bangladesh paid $1.98 billion in principal and interest in Jul-Dec of 2024, up from $1.57 billion in the same period the ...
More than 100 million Americans are burdened with medical bills they can’t pay. In the final weeks of the Biden ...
Under the more optimistic of two projected growth scenarios, debt-servicing costs are seen rising to ¥35.3 trillion ($229 billion) in the year starting April 2028, according to estimates released ...
Japan's annual interest payments on government debt could surge more than 50% over the next few years, government estimates ...
Africa’s quest for economic transformation since independence has been impeded by a debt crisis, not from excessive borrowing but from the high cost of securing capital. Despite relatively low ...