Maintaining a healthy cow herd means maintaining a healthy rumen. Over the holiday season, humans may experience stomach ...
Shrinking cattle inventories in recent years leads to a wide range of impacts on the multi-sectored cattle industry.
For high producing dairy cows that are fed a balanced ration, forage quality must be high in order to support high production. On most dairy farms, without a concentrated effort to put up high ...
Cow-calf production in the upper Midwest is not historically profitable every year without significant cost savings in winter ...
The best time to prepare for drought is long before it arrives, Nebraska Extension specialist Jerry Volesky says.
Cows in good condition can handle cold temperatures ... grains like corn or energy-rich feeds like distillers grains. Good quality forage/hay can also help because the fermentation in the rumen ...
Karla Wilke, cow-calf and stocker management specialist ... in feeding a mixed ration because it can help him to stretch a forage resource, she said. The pasture could be utilized more efficiently ...
It turns out that while "grass-fed" is a regulated term, there is a lot of wiggle room, and "grass-finished" is a way for certain producers to assure customers about how much forage the cow was ...
The Chippewa County Extension office along with the Chippewa Valley Forage Council are hosting a Beef and Dairy Forage Seminar on March 21 at the Back 40 Dining and Cocktails near Bloomer from 11:30am ...