A piece of art featuring Isambard Kingdom Brunel's design plans for a Crimean War pop-up hospital has gone on display in Bristol. Brunel designed Renkioi Hospital in six days after pleas from ...
This exhibit explores representations of people and events connected with the Crimean War in the French and British satirical press. It focuses specifically on cartoons that appeared in two major 19th ...
Russia was pitted against all three in the Crimean War. French painter Adolphe Yvon captured the smoke-filled chaos as French troops stormed Malakoff hill, above Sevastopol. After a redoubt atop ...
Russell was “embedded” with the British Army during the Crimean War of 1854–56. Tolstoy served in that war on the other side, as an artillery officer. Russell’s dispatches and Tolstoy’s short stories ...