At the top of a tree in the forest a Crow sat preening his coal-black feathers. He had just finished a meal of nuts and grubs and he was feeling good. 'I must be the happiest bird in the world ...
Bill is larger than other American crows, but distinctly smaller than either raven. On rare occasions individuals show white patches in wings. Juvenile: brownish cast to feathers; grayish eye ...
This odd, crow-sized creature had long legs ... Bur recent fossil evidence suggests that feathers, too, evolved in theropods before birds. Whether they evolved for warmth, for display, or served ...
Marilyn Weiler treated the Monday Senior Lunch Bunch to an hour of curious and humorous bird sayings and expressions on Feb.
movie review THE THING WITH FEATHERS .review-block-star ... The artist obsessively draws the Crow and begins pecking and ...
Cathy Morgan was looking into her Carr’s Landing yard this weekend when she saw a familiar, albeit uncommon, sight.