That beast—which he also called “the bane of my existence, the nemesis of my golden years, the bold perverter of the Endangered Species Act”—was none other than the snail darter, a fish no ...
A tiny fish that averages only 2.5 inches in length derailed political careers, delayed construction of a massive dam and reservoir, caused a U.S. Supreme Court landmark case and prompted ...
WASHINGTON— The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today removed the snail darter from the endangered species list because the fish has recovered. Thanks to collaborative conservation efforts since it was ...
The river fish, Snail Darter's pivotal story has now gotten ... Conservationists are usually very happy when a species is detected to be non-extinct. In the case of Snail Darter, the community ...
WASHINGTON— In a legal victory for the Center for Biological Diversity, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service agreed today to again consider granting Endangered Species Act protections for the Barrens ...
Another darter, the Conasauga logperch ... Before long, Abrams Creek had lost nearly half of its original fish species. Since then, however, attitudes among wildlife managers have changed.
The diamond darter (Crystallaria cincotta) was named for its sparkling reflections that are seen when viewing it at night when illuminated.