Reptiles in Oregon's high desert are quite widespread, though few are especially common. You may see lots at some times and ...
HABITAT: The flat-tailed horned lizard is most often found in desert scrub on sandy flats and valleys with little or no windblown sand, as well as on salt flats and gravelly soils. RANGE: The ...
Dust storms are raging across much of New Mexico. The National Weather Service pushed emergency alerts to cellphones that warned of zero-visibility road conditions and adverse health consequences for ...
jackrabbits and eagles live in the desert scrub. Little rain falls in the Chihuahuan, but the Rio Grande River - known as the Rio Bravo in Mexico - flows through the desert, providing a lifeline for ...
arid desert lands with the fewest roads and dominated by flora such as creosote bushes and white bursage desert scrub or mixed desert salt scrub. RANGE: In California, the desert kit fox lives in the ...