Local police were called to the Twin Caves complex, situated at the Blue Springs Recreation Area in Marianna, Florida, on ...
A SCUBA diver has tragically died in a notorious underwater cave after getting trapped in a 100ft deep labyrinth. Cops rushed ...
world renown diving expert Edd Sorenson said. A stock image of a diver with oxygen mask seen deep inside the underwater caves. Picture: YouTube/Diver Doug’s Adventures Mr Sorenson had been ...
Scientists at the University of St. Andrews found that seals can detect blood oxygen levels, allowing them to plan dives and ...
According to Deep Sea World, a seal’s personality can be as ... Bold seals sometimes perform underwater acrobatics around ...
As far as elevator pitches go Dark Mass' 'the first horror game set entirely in a fully submerged underwater manor' is ...
With a movie screen as black as night, audiences sit in darkness hearing the faint bubbles of a deep-sea diver breathing ...
A SCUBA diver has tragically died in a notorious underwater cave after getting trapped in a 100ft deep labyrinth. Cops rushed to Twin Caves in the Blue Springs Recreation Area, Florida after ...