The accumulation of hail briefly turned Waxahachie into a white wintery landscape. Blustery winds sent hail shooting into homes, shattering windows across the city. Downtown Waxahachie suffered ...
"This one's for the funeral tomorrow." Eubank Florist was among just a few businesses downtown Waxahachie that were open on Thursday. Some had printed or handwritten signs saying they'd be closed ...
Ripped-off roofs, downed power lines and tipped 18-wheelers were left in the wake of a storm early Saturday morning.
Waxahachie City Council member Travis Smith shared photos of broken windows caused by hail on social media. City crews will close sidewalks in downtown Waxahachie to assess the damage, Smith said.
The accumulation of hail briefly turned Waxahachie into a white wintery landscape. Blustery winds sent hail shooting into homes, shattering windows across the city. Downtown Waxahachie suffered ...