The E-2C Hawkeye is the U.S. Navy’s primary carrier-based airborne early warning and command and control aircraft. The twin turboprop Hawkeye shares its basic airframe with the C-2 Greyhound but ...
The legendary F-35 Lighting II is in line to receive a propeller for greater air-to-air refueling capabilities. The Lockheed ...
Air Industries Group Secures Two Contracts worth $3.3 Million for Landing and Arresting Gear for the US Navy E-2D Advanced Hawkeye Air Industries Group (“Air Industries”) (NYSE American ...
As the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to push more projects to release, new details have emerged about the plot points in Hawkeye's second season.
Lou Melluzzo, Chief Executive Officer of Air Industries Group commented: “The E-2D is the premier Airborne Command and Control surveillance platform in the world and has been a very stable and growing ...