The building blocks of life on Earth may have been fueled by tiny sparks hopping between water droplets.
This vapor formed a disc around the Earth that eventually cooled and clumped together to become the moon. We know this thanks to rigorous studies of meteorites and rock samples, including at the ...
Along the way, this vapor disk encounters the inner planets, immersing them in a kind of "bath." In a way, the disk "waters" the terrestrial planets: Mars, Earth, Venus and Mercury. Most of this ...
The greenhouse effect refers to the atmospheric process that causes a rise in Earth's temperature due to the presence of greenhouse gases. Certain naturally occurring gases, such as water vapor ...
Water is an essential part of life on Earth, and possibly elsewhere – and now it we know it may have formed not long after the start of the universe ...
This same effect happens every day on the Earth. Gases within the atmosphere act like glass, trapping the sun's heat. These gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide ...
The temperature of the Earth depends on many factors including the concentration of greenhouse gases such as water vapour, methane and carbon dioxide. The Earth also radiates lower frequency ...
Water vapour can also come from ice and snow ... This water thenreturns to the earth’s surface, mostly in the oceans, and the cycle is complete, ready to start again. In tropical areas, like ...