For decades, scientists have tried to pinpoint whenearly human ancestors transitioned from a plant-based diet to regular meat consumption. This shift is believed to have played a crucial role in brain ...
Do you know that green moong dal is called 'human flesh eating' dal. This does not really mean that this dal eats flesh. It ...
Meat-eating by early hominids at the FLK 22 Zinjanthropus site, Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania): an experimental approach using cut-mark data. Journal of Human Evolution 33, 669-690 (1997). Domínguez ...
Researchers may soon be able to manufacture meat from cell lines in the lab, and Dawkins has suggested in a tweet that we could “overcome our taboo” by eating human flesh so manufactured.
Not knowing exactly when regular meat consumption became part of our ancestors’ diets is a gap in our understanding of human ...
This video was first posted in November 2016. The human body is designed to consume both plants and animals. But, if a person has stopped eating meat for an extended time, what happens if inside ...
We share more than 97% of our genetic makeup with primates such as chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans. But that doesn’t ...
Is it wrong in principle to raise and kill animals so that human beings can eat meat and fish? Does it stop being wrong if the processes involved are carried out humanely? Eating animals is also ...
Livestock production has long been associated with significant environmental impacts, prompting calls for sustainable ...