Young do not need to run risks attendant with foraging themselves. 3. modification of extra-embryonic membranes to form the placenta, providing nutrients and disposing of wastes through the ...
Amniotic egg appears very early in reptilian evolution. Egg has several special extra-embryonic membranes, which allow it to develop on land independent of water. Just as significant as evolution of ...
The fetal membranes consist of the chorion ... A remnant of the yolk sac merges in the forming embryo into the primitive gut. The role of the yolk sac in early gestation is to supply the embryo ...
During the first 72 hours in particular, extracellular vesicles—nanoparticles enclosed in cell membranes—play a significant role in the embryonic development of zebrafish. This is the result ...
Figure 3: Zebrafish embryo with multicolored fluorescence-marked nuclei and cellular membranes; level 8 of the Z stack. The FW4000 software package from Leica Microsystems combines a variety of ...