When Mordechai famously informed Esther that if she did not save her ... They could have adorned his head with a crown of shrapnel from Hezbollah. On February 21, the day we learned that Hamas ...
Esther isn’t the only character in the story. We can learn a lot from others about a life beyond our ego. Mordecai is like a mentor figure. He challenges Esther to step up and be her true self.
Ford’s connection to Esther runs deep, shaped by her own life experiences. Raised in Crown Heights ... “But when Mordechai ...
Video shows Yehuda Gerami dancing with students, reading megillah scroll at site believed by local community to be in ancient ...
Get your party on; Purim is almost here! The holiday is one of the most joyous and fun on the Jewish calendar, complete with everything from feasts to costumes to wine, all in honor of Queen Esther ...
Queen Esther and her cousin Mordecai were instrumental in rescuing the Jewish people. Purim is a joyous holiday with traditions that include reading the Megillah aloud in synagogues, often with ...