Queen Esther, the story’s heroine ... female voices are more necessary than ever. And alongside brave Vashtis, we need powerful Esthers, the women who stand in all their vulnerable glory ...
and Esther, the brave Jewish queen, overcame all odds to save her people,” said Perlove, who is not connected with the show.
Sign up for Forwarding the News, the Forward’s morning newsletter with all the news and analysis that matters to American Jews each day. Dehavilland Ford, a Texas ...
Throughout my life – whether as a Jewish professional, a lay leader, or working on behalf of the United States government – I have drawn inspiration from Queen Esther. She was brave ...
Dehavilland Ford, a Texas pastor, has long felt a kinship with Queen Esther. This fall, just ahead of the presidential election, she helped organize An Esther Call to the Mall, a march in ...