Every God in Smite 2 functions drastically differently from one another, even different Gods who fulfill similar purposes: tank-style Supports, healers, Junglers, etc. can do what they do in ...
SMITE 1 has 130 Gods at this point. Most Gods in SMITE 2 are Gods returning from SMITE 1. The plan is to eventually have every God from SMITE 1 be playable in SMITE 2. That will take time ...
With quite an extensive roster of different gods to choose from, picking who you want to play as you begin your SMITE 2 journey can be daunting, especially as more gods are released. So ...
As with every other MOBA game, there are five major roles in Smite 2. Each god in the game manages to shine in one or two roles at most, but with fluctuations in the meta, the top spots for the ...
Solo Lane is ideal for Gods who can take a hit & give one back, with Bruiser build recommended. Avoid glassy characters & focus on specific roles for optimal performance in Smite 2. Bellona ...
Speaking with the Titan Forge team in 2024, we learned that the team would “love” to bring every one of the existing characters to the ever-growing list of Smite 2 Gods. As one of the many ...