Get the full lyrics to "679" by Fetty Wap and see how this song blends catchy beats with a memorable chorus. See what made ...
Fetty managed to get 12 other songs on the Hot 100 since then ... "Since 2014, I would tell him, ‘Save your money, Wap. Save ...
Looks like there's a hot new trend on TikTok called ‘Blasting Fetty Wap on the JBL Speaker,’ and it’s been leaving users on the platform in stitches. So if you've found yourself scrolling ...
A new TikTok trend has made Fetty Wap one of the most popular rappers on the internet. On the social media platform, users are wondering what would happen if the rapper’s 2016 hit song “Again ...
Couple that with the algorithm of the For You Page (FYP) that likes to show you more of the same thing you stayed a little while longer to watch all the way through, and you create the very same ...