We can’t go on slapping it on everything from t-shirts to lottery tickets without embracing the living, breathing bird as our ...
A Redland farm owner is left devastated after waking up to find a few dogs dead and about 300 exotic birds stolen from his ...
The caracara, which can grow to 2 feet tall, co-exists amiably with cows on Florida’s ranches and eats everything from frogs to discarded fast food.
Growing up in coastal Florida, colorful and exotic birds were part of the landscape. Unlike most children, my daughter’s first word was not Mom or Dad, but was “buurd.” Birds in Florida and ...
The white bird of paradise (Strelitzia nicolai) stands out with its large leaves and exotic flower. It grows in a clumping ...
A Cuban family living in Florida has been the target of a violent crime at their home. Several intruders broke in and stole hundreds of exotic birds, ...
Two baby bald eagles died from bird flu this week in Florida, according to local wildlife experts in Lee County.
“Because it’s so exotic looking ... This bill would help save two birds with one stone. It would declare the Florida scrub jay our state songbird, a welcome spotlight on another ...