The kindly ice cream person reaches out with your cone ... better known to his customers and friends as “Mo,” who has driven his Mr. Frosty truck in and around Lancaster city since 2007.
Now, you don't have to wait for the ice cream truck or head to your local grocery store freezer aisle for your fix as the new Wendy's Orange Dreamsicle Frosty is making its way to menus super soon.
LAS VEGAS (KLAS) – Social media posts mistakenly identified a law enforcement-themed Las Vegas ice cream truck as an Immigration and Customs Enforcement vehicle, leading its owner to fear for his ...
You must give props to the Massachusetts delegation to the United States Senate. When they are not tilting at windmills on some cable news network, they ...
The vendor, Deb Bliss, whose ice-cream truck has been a fixture at Home Beach and Cylinder Beach for more than two decades, has been ordered to relocate to the carparks due to Redland concerns ...