People are being told that the fur trade not only sees animals suffering in filthy farms but they are also the breeding grounds for deadly new viruses that can jump to humans ...
Many in the fur trade now readily acknowledge that activists who protested so loudly had a point: Farmers were not providing a decent standard of care for their animals. But they add that the ...
But now fur is back, says the Wall Street Journal ... nothing seemed to be over the top at Fashion Weaks. Fur trade groups contend that people wear fur for warmth not ostentation and that fakes ...
Times have moved on and now it’s time to leave this kind of ... said tens of millions of animals suffer and die each year in the global fur trade and the “vast majority of animals killed ...
A key worry with unregulated mink farms is the spread of disease. According to advocates, mink’s have a similar lung system ...
A representative from the American Fur Industry, a trade association ... He shut down his store 34 years later, in February 2020, and now works out of his home in Connecticut, where he serves ...
The city council on Wednesday rejected an effort to ban the sale of new fur products. The proposed ordinance from Ald.
In the late 17th century, hundreds of Frenchmen trekked into the wilderness of North America to seek their fortune in the fur trade. (As portrayed in Canada: A People's History) They left the ...