In addition, the Secret Rare (left) version includes several Galarian friends for Pikachu to enjoy galavanting with, including Calyrex, Urshifu, and Zacian. Neither of these Pikachu cards carries ...
The Pokemon TCG continues to see high interest in its most valuable Sword & Shield sets, with Vivid Voltage offering a fantastic claim to fame in the form of its Pikachu VMAX Secret Rare.
The Galarian Gallery also includes full-art Trainer ... The set also includes Trainer Gallery hits like Nessa, Boss's Orders (Cyrus), and Pikachu VMAX, all of which are still sought after.
Shiny Pikachu: August 2017's Pokémon Go Park event in Japan revealed the second set of Shinies. Those within the event radius had a chance of catching a Shiny Pikachu, which much like the Red ...