Methanex (NASDAQ:MEOH) -12.3% in Monday's trading after saying its 1.8M metric ton Geismar 3 methanol plant in Louisiana was affected by an unplanned outage in late February, and the company now ...
Methanex Corporation MEOH has announced that its Geismar 3 (G3) plant in Geismar, LA, faced an unplanned outage in late February. The plant has a production capacity of 1.8 million tons of methanol.
(RTTNews) - Methanex Corp. (MEOH, MX.TO) announced that its 1.8 million tonne methanol plant, Geismar 3, in Geismar, Louisiana was impacted by an unplanned outage in late February. Upon completing ...
Eschwege (ots) - Polizei Eschwege Um 05:28 Uhr kam es auf der L 3467 heute Morgen zu einem Zusammenstoß mit einem Reh, dass in der Gemarkung von Frieda von dem Pkw eines 54-Jährigen aus Geismar ...