When Jana Euler debuted her 2016 painting Filled (health / beauty enhancer) at Cabinet Gallery in London, it was one of four renderings of "empty" faces, as she called them in a t ...
Gherkin, horde, uhlan, kielbasa, schlub... The Internet is full of examples of words of (supposedly) Polish origin that have made it into the global English lexicon (here’s a full list). These are ...
Which brings us to 30 St Mary’s Axe – more commonly known as The Gherkin – which successfully mixed iconic and aesthetically pleasing when it opened in 2004. The tower, a prize-winning ...
Sometimes it seems like every new building must have its nickname: the Gherkin, the Cheesegrater... even the Can of Ham. But the urge to rename is an ancient one. Bethlehem hospital was popularly ...
House music has reshaped culture globally, and it wouldn’t be the same without the Warehouse—it might not even exist at all. But you could say the same thing about most of the lesser-known DJs, ...
Fresh gherkins are in season from June to October, but pickled gherkins can be found year-round. If buying fresh gherkins, look for small, firm, unblemished specimens. Pickled ones should be ...
Luxury shoe brand Mallet London has, in partnership with Zellerfeld, broken into the 3D printed footwear segment with the launch of Nebula.
For some applications, smaller is better and that is precisely the thinking behind a diminutive keyboard like the PiPi Gherkin, which is designed to use the Raspberry Pi Pico as its controller.