Gohan unlocked a God-like new form in Dragon Ball Z, revealing a power that goes beyond the limits of a Super Saiyan.
Beast Gohan is the strongest form of Dragon Ball's deuteragonist Son Gohan. And it makes him the strongest Z-Fighter.
Toyotarou gives a strong hint to Dragon Ball fans about how Gohan's Beast form was introduced to surpass Goku's Autonomous ...
Gohan Beast form breaks tradition by having no stamina issues, surpassing Goku and Vegeta. Gohan's mastery of Beast allows him to fight relentlessly, unlike other Saiyans. Goku has also overcome ...
Dragon Ball Super manga introduced Beast Gohan in Chaṕter 99 ("Son Gohan's Ultimate Awakening!"), while adapting the Super Hero arc, turning the movie canon into the Super timeline, meaning that he ...