Great Lakes shipping season will open Friday when the Poe Lock in Michigan opens. Ships will soon be on the move to and from ...
During the peak shipping season, the Great Lakes region has well over 100 bulk carrier, self-unloading, straight-deck ...
Above: Satellite view of the Great Lakes on a recent clear day (December 22, 2019), showing less than 2% overall ice cover, about normal for this point in the winter, mainly in Green Bay and ...
The shipwreck, broken in two, was discovered by the Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society using sonar technology. A historic all-steel ship that broke records as it cruised the Great Lakes but ...
While it may not feel that cold in the Midwest right now, a recent winter left an icy mark on the Great Lakes well into spring. In early March 2014, 11 years ago this week, the visible satellite ...