Randy Bachman said he and Burton Cummings are planning a 2026 Guess Who reunion tour in a March 2025 interview.
In an exclusive new interview with American Songwriter, Randy Bachman revealed that he and fellow Guess Who co-founder Burton Cummings are planning a 2026 reunion tour.
Like David Crosby and Tom Selleck, rock singer Burton Cummings of the Guess Who is a noted mustache. The Guess Who? you ask.
READ MORE: Top 10 Guess Who Songs “I’m willing to do anything to stop the fake band; they’re taking [Bachman and my] life story and pretending it’s theirs,” Cummings explained to Rolling ...
He and Bachman were triumphant and now control the Guess Who name. “The bad times are over,” Cumming enthuses. “The songs ...
The Guess Who formed in 1958 but the Canadian rock band didn't become an entity of note until Burton Cummings joined the band ...