Created from debris trails from Halley’s Comet, the eta Aquariids can be seen from both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres ...
On March 6, 1986, the Soviet Union's Vega 1 spacecraft flew by Halley's Comet. Vega 1 was the first of five missions to fly ...
A comet called ATLAS dazzled the southern skies for the last few weeks. Now it's heading out of view for half a million years ...
It sounds spectacular. The comet - Halley’s Comet, to be precise - has occurred before with no grave consequences. But, a scientist reports suspicion that this comet may or may not wipe out all ...
Mark your calendars, stargazers! April brings two spectacular meteor shows to southern Ontario, offering prime opportunities ...
Comets — those small, icy objects orbiting the sun — act like floating time capsules, offering a window into the early days of our solar system's formation and holding clues about the origins ...
She never had cubs but the zoo said Haley was known for being a "bright, inquisitive bear who enjoys enrichment, especially ...
The 1P/Halley, famously known as Halley's Comet, is responsible for the Eta Aquariids, and it's the biggest meteor shower to occur during spring with up to 50 meteors per hour. The only downside ...
Halley's Comet is one of the most famous celestial objects, and even those who have no interest in astronomy have most likely heard of it. The space rock marked the first time astronomers ...
The image of Comet Hale-Bopp blazing across the night sky of 1997 has delighted casual stargazers and astronomers alike. It was first spotted in July 1995 by Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp, who ...
Curry insisted that was the last time he'll dunk in a game, but was inspired to do so after encouragement from assistant coach Jerry Stackhouse.
TIM PEAKE:Now one of the most famous space phenomena, is Halley's Comet. You've probably been told about it at school, but did you know that it played a vital role in Sir Isaac Newton's discovery ...