SU Libraries hosted an academic symposium on Haudenosaunee and Indigenous matrilineality from Feb. 28 to March 2.
The Erie Canal Museum will host Rex Lyons, coach of the Haudenosaunee Nationals, and Mike Beardsley, Sullivan Town Historian ...
Little Hills and Beautiful Basket The Story of Grand Council at Onondaga by Dehowӓhda·dih- Brad Powless   “Watch out Little ...
The seventh annual UB Haudenosaunee Research Symposium was held on November ... shedding light on this history and its ongoing consequences for North American Indigenous people today.
The Haudenosaunee nations—the Seneca ... a friend from the Crow Agency in Montana spoke for many Native people when she told us, "My Dad used to say, 'We give thanks everyday. . . .' " The ...
The word Haudenosaunee translates to “they build the house,” although it is often interpreted as “people of the longhouse.” “This term reflects our tradition of always being able to extend the rafters ...
The Haudenosaunee people are credited with creating the sport, where it is considered the Creator’s Game. The sport is viewed as having recreational, social, cultural and even healing properties.
Carson Waterman, a distinguished artist and revered cultural figure for the Haudenosaunee people of the Seneca Nation, will ...
Fourth graders at the school designed and presented a wampum belt — an important symbolic artifact of the Haudenosaunee people — to the school. The students stood in a line, each handling the ...