God, in a pique of anger, alters the builders' languages so that they cannot understand each other. In its original form, the story is an explanation of why not everyone speaks Hebrew, as well as ...
Readers of the Bible are probably familiar with the god, Baal, who was one of the chief rivals of the Hebrew God. The term “baal” appears over 90 times in the Hebrew Bible. Perhaps the best ...
“Studying the Torah at Hebrew day school,” writes Liana Finck, “I thought of it mostly as a portrait of one childlike (and therefore relatable) character full of feelings and desires: God.” Let There ...
Surely, you have heard the phrase “The sin of pride.” And, like all sins, “pride” separates us from God. At the extreme end, being prideful means you act like a conceited, arrogant ...
Though these may be inadequate analogies, it is at least clear that Satan is not God’s archenemy in the Hebrew Bible. The Satan is mentioned briefly in the Bible in First Chronicles chapter 21 ...
So why is a Hebrew inscription mentioning Yahweh in connection ... after this defeat the Israelites could stay faithful to their god. Dever: In every age of disbelief, one is inclined to think ...
Feb. 8, this awesome newspaper published an article written by me entitled, “Salvation is Justification.” Today, I want to be ...