As the 10th annual Great British Spring Clean kicks off today, Mirror readers are urged to pick up litter in order to protect ...
“This is one of the few animal species that you can actually get really close to,” says Sophie Lund Rasmussen (aka Dr Hedgehog). “Their strategy when faced with danger, or a human staring at ...
The State of Britain’s Hedgehogs 2022 report, published by The British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS) and the People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) showed that while hedgehogs in ...
Small, spiky and seriously endangered, the hedgehog is a much-loved mammal in Britain, and further afield. Four hundred years ago, however, things were very different. Making History looks at why ...
Images on the 10 stamps include popular species such as a fox, blackbird, frog, blue tit, hedgehog, robin and snail ...
It’s easy to spot hedgehogs in Alderney and not only because there are so many of them. More than half of the island’s prickly creatures are blonde. Their cream-coloured spines are the product of ...