These popular succulents come in many varieties. Haworthia fasciata, commonly called a zebra plant, grows in a striped ...
If you have not started to bring your houseplants back indoors, put it on the top of your “to do” list. (Carl Hoffman is an educator with the University of Minnesota Extension – Stearns and ...
The experts at Mira Showers shared an extensive list of plants which can give your bathroom a ‘spa-like’ ambience while also doing you a favour. The plants, they said, work hard to ‘soak ...
With a little help from Patch’s plant doctor, Meg, we’ve compiled a list of plants said to attract love, wealth, health and happiness, which should make it easier than ever to select a ...
From longtime family-run plant stores such as Mickey Hargitay Plants and Sunset Nursery to more recent startups including Latinx With Plants and Tansy, plant stores capture the essence of L.A ...