Today, commercially produced foods and beverages are certified by a kosher certification agency. But when are chicken eggs considered kosher?
Sunday, March 16 marked the official opening of the Center for Jewish Life (CJL) dining hall after a semester of renovations.
(RNS) — Reaction to the incident has been swift, with the Chabad-Lubavitch movement calling it 'a shocking breach of trust.' (RNS) — Reports that Air France served non-kosher meals to an ...
The word kosher is derived from the Hebrew word for “proper” or “correct.” The kashrut laws have to do with the cleanliness and sanctity of the food, including the production process.
She recalled that when she was a student in the mid-1970s, Jewish students at Barnard and Columbia would head up from their Upper Manhattan campus six blocks away to dine at JTS for kosher food.