The Clean Lakes Alliance kicked off its 14th annual Mendota Freeze Contest Sunday, prompting Wisconsinites to submit guesses on when they believe the lake will fully freeze. Clean Lakes Alliance ...
The researchers who raised two ancient dugout canoes submerged in Madison's Lake Mendota announced Thursday they had discovered fragments or chunks of at least eight more canoes in the lake ...
Divers and researchers have now identified up to 11 ancient canoes in Lake Mendota, or Tee Waksikhominak, the Wisconsin Historical Society announced in a press release on Thursday. "What we ...
MADISON, Wis. (WMTV) - The Madison Fire Department Lake Rescue Team responded early Friday morning after it was reported a person was yelling for help in Lake Mendota. At about 4:30 a.m., MFD ...
Recently thawed Lake Mendota has become home to migrating swans, ducks and geese. Their yearly return marks the beginning of the nesting season and provides cultivation benefits to the lake ecosystem, ...