At the start of March, the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center reported that snow levels above Lake Powell were 87% of the ...
The amount of snowmelt expected to reach the key reservoirs on the Colorado River this spring is far below the median of the ...
Author and journalist Zak Podmore will discuss his latest book, Life After Dead Pool, at the Park City Library on March 24.
California, Arizona and Nevada are urging the Trump administration to change course on the Colorado River. The states are ...
The Lower Basin states of California, Arizona and Nevada are asking for a fresh look at proposals for sharing the shrinking ...
In a blistering letter, water officials in Arizona, California and Nevada recently took the federal government to task for failing to plan adequate measures to protect crucial ...
A Friends of the Park City Library author event will take attendees in spirit to the shores of Lake Powell. The organization, ...
Award-winning author and journalist Zak Podmore has spent more than a decade writing about water and conservation issues in ...
Lake Powell and Glen Canyon Dam in Page, Ariz., in October 2023. (Bernie Friel / Getty Images) ...